12 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day
Jeff OxfordIn most shamanic traditions, the earth is respected and honored. Call her Mother Earth, Planet Earth, Pachamama, or Gaia, shamans recognize that all life support here on earth starts with her. Ever wonder how Earth Day started? Falling on April 22, Earth Day arose in the US from a recognition that environmental issues were becoming more and more important. In the interest of gathering national support for environmental issues, in 1970, San Francisco activist John McConnell and Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson separately asked Americans to join in a grassroots demonstration. McConnell chose the spring equinox which fell on March 21 in 1970 and Nelson chose April 22. American Anthropologist Margaret Mead supported the equinox date option, stating that it made planetary observance of a shared event possible. Today, Earth Day is widely celebrated with events on both dates and millions of people participate. No matter when you choose to celebrate it, Earth Day aims to inspire awareness of and appreciation for the earth’s environment.
Common Earth Day practices:
1. plant new trees
2. plant wildflowers native to your area
3. bring nature into your garden with plants that attract butterflies
4. pick up roadside trash
5. participate in programs for recycling and conservation
6. use recyclable containers for snacks and lunches
7. sign government petitions calling for stronger or immediate action to reverse environmental destruction.
8. encourage awareness of the growing problems of air, water and soil pollution.
9. watch programs dealing with environmental issues
10. donate $2 on your next Shamans Market order and help plant a tree. (See article below).
Shamanic practices honoring our Mother Earth include making offerings, cornmeal, tobacco, incense, or despachos to her to show reverence, respect and gratitude for all the bounty that comes from her.
So, celebrate Earth Day! Enjoy the tonic of fresh air, contact with the soil, and companionship with nature. Walk through the woods searching for local flowers. Go outside, no matter what the weather.

At Shamans Market, Every day is Earth Day.
By partnering with Camino Verde, (Green Path) a non-profit group working to preserve the Peruvian Amazon, we help them support their primary mission: planting trees and encouraging others to do the same. Their programs and presence in several small communities in the Peruvian Tambopata River basin focus on supporting small scale subsistence farmers in the planting and preserving of trees as a source of their sustainable income and economic empowerment. Their vision is to reduce the impact of humans on wild forests through improved economic opportunities provided by long-term perennial reforestation and agro-forestry.
Camino Verde also maintains a “living seed bank” of over 150 species of local endangered and productive trees, shrubs, and native vegetables. Camino Verde is committed to upholding the strictest standards of sustainability, integrity, transparency, and simplicity in order to realize their goals. They believe the most powerful solutions are usually simple– and always direct. In the pursuit of “beyond sustainability,” the natural world is the inspiration and model for the solutions they create.

Shamans Market offers others the opportunity to offset the carbon footprint (CO2 emissions) produced when shipping your order. Your voluntary $2 contribution goes toward programs like Camino Verde’s reforesting, planting and maintaining endangered jungle hardwood trees that absorb carbon dioxide: an easy and friendly way to celebrate Earth Day.