White Sage, Salvia apiana, is a healing plant used in Native American and Earth-based cultures since ancient times. It is symbolic of cleanliness and purity. Sage is a stimulant for the nervous system, metabolism, and vital energy centers. It is purifying to the mind and whole being and its cleansing qualities are uplifting to our spirit.rn
Red Cedar, Thuja plicata, comes from the Pacific Northwest and is used like sage for purification. It banishes negative energy and brings in good influences. The spirit of cedar is held as very ancient and wise by the Pacific Northwest tribes. The old, downed cedar trees are always honored with offerings and prayers. Cedar is one of the aromatics used as temple incense by Tibetan monks in their rituals and prayers. Cedar symbolizes power and spiritual strength.
Palo Santo, Bursera graveolens, means ‘Holy Wood.’ It has been used for thousands of years in Ecuador and Peru by shamans, curanderos and healers in their healing practices and ceremonies. It embodies the alchemical process. The tree lives for 80 to 90 years and when it dies it stays in its habitat for 4 to 10 years and then begins its metamorphosis. The alchemical transformation gives birth to Palo Santo’s mystical and medicinal properties. Like sage, juniper, and cedar it removes negative energy, offers protection, uplifts the spirit, and brings good influences.
Juniper, Juniperus communis is used by the Native Americans and Tibetans for ceremony. It has the power to disperse and cleanse. Since ancient times it has been used for spiritual purification. In many cultures it is revered and used to create a safe and sacred environment. It ignites our instinctive fire within, fortifying and empowering us. The Pueblo cultures in the Southwest carry juniper for protection and medicine. In Siberia, shamans inhale the smoke of juniper to invoke visions.
Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis, was burnt as ritual incense in ancient Egypt. The plant was sacred to the Greeks and Romans. It was an offering for protection and good fortune. It was dedicated to Apollo, the solar deity, the symbol of medicine, music, poetry, and prophecy. Rosemary, called the ‘Herb of Remembrance,’ enhances our spiritual devotion and love, shining light on our true path. Traditional elders say that before a person gives a ceremony or is healed, they need to be cleansed of any unhelpful thoughts or bad feelings.
Earth Spirit can be used to purify, cleanse, protect, and bless us. It can also cleanse objects and places of imbalanced energies and call in healing blessings. As it is mixed in our precious Mother Waters we are receiving the blessings of her cleansing and life giving energies.

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