Smudging- The act of smudging is done with a smudge bowl or Abalone Shell with the appropriate herbs directly lit or burned on a coal or charcoal tablet. When using charcoal tablets, the bowl or shell should be filled with sand or a flat stone to prevent overheating the container. Smudging is also done with herbs tied in bundles called Smudge Sticks. In either case the smoke is 'washed' over the person or object with a feather or by fanning the smoke with one's hand. To do a blessing of a person, begin by looking into the eyes of the person for a moment to 'greet' them, fan the smoke first at their heart and then up to the right side (your left) of the person's head, moving around clockwise (sun-wise), gently washing them with the smoke. Continue brushing smoke down over their left shoulder and the length of their arm and back up again to the shoulder. Wash the smoke down the left side of the torso, left leg and foot. Now smudge the right foot, up the left leg, torso and down the length of the right arm and back up to the shoulder. Now turn the person around, turning to their right (sun-wise again) and repeat these movements as you smudge and bless the person's back. For objects, bless them moving sun-wise around them also.

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