Dreaming True explores many levels of dreaming and how we can dream with the body in order to stay well. Moss offers simple and practical techniques for working with a dream journal to catch -- and act on -- messages about the distant future and tap into our creative source. He shows us how to dream our way toward a better job, a better relationship, and creative fulfillment. Presented with Moss' trademark humor and down-to-earth style, Dreaming True helps us rediscover what ancient dreamers knew: through dreaming we can become active co-creators of our future, bringing positive energy and insight from a deeper reality into our physical world.
Fair and ethically
traded products
traded products
- Offering authentic, sustainable products that support artisans, their families, and indigenous ways Learn More...
Providing a connection to the sacred
arts of indigenous communities
arts of indigenous communities
- Consciously serving our community for over 22 years with integrity and passion Learn More...
Living in harmoney with each other
and our earth
and our earth
- Reducing our use of resources with Earth conscious shipping and packaging practices Learn More...
Fair and ethically traded products. Learn More
- Offering authentic, sustainable products that support artisans, their families, and indigenous ways Learn More...
Providing a connection to the sacred arts of indigenous communities. Learn More
- Consciously serving our community for over 22 years with integrity and passion Learn More...
Living in harmoney with each other and our earth. Learn More
- Reducing our use of resources with Earth conscious shipping and packaging practices Learn More...