Lori Morrison is a best-selling author, inspirationalist, and mystic. She became part of a rare community of lightning shamans due to a spontaneous awakening of shamanic knowledge by natural force. Her first teachers were Mayan ancestral spirits who took her through a two-year initiation. During this period, she was introduced to four Jaguars who became her guides. Later, through an important ceremony, a Haitian shaman retrieved a powerful Lioness for Lori that she collaborates with to this day. These sacred relationships with Power Animals have enriched her life and spiritual journey. Lori is now honored to deliver messages from the spirits of over 200 different creatures to you. Lori makes her home in Sedona, Arizona, where she has a successful practice dedicated to healing through vibrational medicine.
"Between the covers of this book is a bounty of information from the voices of the animal spirit world. A treasure chest full of enlightenment and wisdom, this book will serve humanity in expanding a connection to the deeper meaning of spirit animals in our world. The Shaman's Guide to Power Animals will encourage our appreciation of Power Animals as mentors and wisdom keepers throughout our spiritual journey."
--Stephanie Phelps, intuitive spiritual guide, healer, teacher, and ceremonialist, owner of White Horse Journeys

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